Vol.(2), No.(4), Year(2014)
This report is either the proceedings of the academic meeting which the Symbio Community Forum had conducted, or the academic report writtenby or introduced by member(s) of Symbio Community Forum, for the which the president of Symbio Community Forum admitted to publish as it contains socially useful information from the purpose of the Forum's activity.
This report is either the proceedings of the academic meeting which the Symbio Community Forum had conducted, or the academic report writtenby or introduced by member(s) of Symbio Community Forum, for the which the president of Symbio Community Forum admitted to publish as it contains socially useful information from the purpose of the Forum's activity.
Title: | The 17th International Workshop on Nuclear Safety & Simulation Technology (IWNSST17) |
Time: | January 21-22, 2014 |
Place: | Kyoto, Japan |
Report: | PDF File |
Corrosion and Oxide Layer Growth Modeling Using Deterministic and Stochastic Methods | |
Authors: |
Yitung Chen 氏
Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Nevada Las Vegas, U.S.A. also... |
Summary: | A decade ago it was roughly estimated that a total cost of corrosion of $276 billion has been reported in the U.S. industry. This value shows that the impact of corrosion is approximately 3.1 percent of United States’ GNP in that time. This cost is considered to be a conservative estimate since... |
Presentation: | PDF File |
Reliability Assessment for Detecting and Sizing Pipe Wall Thinning and its Application to Risk Management | |
Authors: |
Fumio Kojima 氏
Professor, Organization of Advanced Science and Technology and Graduate School of System... |
Summary: | Pipe wall inspection is aimed at providing a life management process ensuring replacement or repair prior to in-service failure. The application of condition monitoring (CM) to pipe wall inspection plays essential roles in developing existence instrumentation of measurement equipment and together... |
Presentation: | PDF File |
Corrosion of Structural Materials and Electrochemistry in High Temperature Water of Nuclear Power Systems | |
Authors: |
Shunsuke Uchida 氏
Research Fellow, Institute of Applied Energy |
Summary: | The latest experiences with corrosion in the cooling systems of nuclear power plants are reviewed. High temperature cooling water causes corrosion of structural materials, which often leads to adverse effects in the plants, e.g., increasing shutdown radiation, generating defects in materials of... |
Presentation: | PDF File |
Introduction of AR Research Activities for Decommissioning of NPP | |
Authors: |
Hiroshi Shimoda 氏
Professor, Graduate School of Energy Science, Kyoto University |
Summary: | This presentation starts with the explanation of “what is AR“ and “Decommission project of Fugen plant in Japan” and then go to where AR technology can be effectively applied for the decommission work of NPP. The presentation will proceed to the plausible technologies of AR application for NPP... |
Presentation: | PDF File |
Short Introduction of Automation Research at DTU | |
Authors: |
Ole Ravn 氏
Head of Group, Automation and Control, Technical University of Denmark |
Summary: | Automation and control are important elements in modern engineering and in developing our standard of living in a sustainable manner. The robotics industry is projected to have the same impact on society in the 21st century as the automotive industry had in the 20th century. Mobile robot... |
Presentation: | PDF File |
Reference: | |
Functional modeling of control systems | |
Authors: |
Morten Lind 氏
Professor Emeritus, Department of Electrical Engineering, Technical University of Denmark also... |
Summary: | Previous research on Multilevel Flow Modeling has developed concepts and tools for representation and reasoning about goals and functions of complex automated processes. MFM is presently applied for modeling nuclear power plants and processes within the oil and gas sector for risk assessment and... |
Presentation: | PDF File |
Post-Facta Analysis of Fukushima Daiichi NPP Accident by Simple Physical Model | |
Authors: |
Fumiya Tanabe 氏
Director, Sociotechnical Systems Safety Research Institute (SCTEX) Co. Ltd. |
Summary: | Analyses are performed of the first core melt behavior of the Unit 1, Unit 2 and Unit 3 reactors of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station on 11-15 March 2011. The analyses are based on a measured data investigation and a simple physical model calculation. Estimated are time variation of core... |
Presentation: | PDF File |
Reliability analyses of PWR safety systems by the GO-FLOW methodology | |
Authors: |
Takeshi Matsuoka 氏
Lecturer, Utsunomiya University and Visiting Professor of Harbin Engineering University |
Summary: | Several advanced Pressurized Water Reactors (PWRs) as AP1000 have been proposed. The AP1000 employs passive safety systems, in order to provide significant improvement in plant safety design. A passive safety system is defined as a safety system which operation is only relied on passive... |
Presentation: | PDF File |
The Automatic Control Design and Simulation of Reactor Control System in Small Modular Reactor | |
Authors: |
Longtao Liao 氏
Engineer, Nuclear Power Institute of China |
Summary: | In China, the development and application of Small Modular Reactor (SMR) aims at electricity generation, heat supply and seawater desalination, etc. The SMR is a pressurized water reactor, and is designed to integrate the once-through steam generator (OTSG) into the reactor pressure vessel. Based... |
Presentation: | PDF File |
Development of Mitsubishi Computerized Human Machine Interface and Digital I&C system for PWR Plants | |
Authors: |
Koji Ito 氏
Chief Engineer, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, ltd |
Summary: | Fully computerized Human Machine Interface (HMI) system and digitalized Instrumentation and Control (I&C) System of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. (MHI) are to be introduced. This design is currently being applied to the latest Japanese PWR plant and to nuclear power plant I&C... |
Presentation: | PDF File |